Frequently Asked Questions: Job Check for Accredited Employers
10 July 2023Updated on: 1/11/2024
A Job Check is the second step in the new process, which must be completed before the migrant can be invited to apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).
This gate will only be open to an employer once accreditation has been granted by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).
The AEWV work visa is the only work visa available to employers wanting to support a migrant worker, and it replaced the Essential Skills Work Visa on July 4, 2022.
The Job Check has been introduced to ensure New Zealanders are not overlooked for the job, employers are offering attractive wages to New Zealanders, and migrants are mostly filling high-paid and skilled jobs.
Below, we answer some commonly asked questions about the process.
When can an employer apply for a Job Check?
A business can only apply for a job check, after the Employer has been accredited by Immigration New Zealand. Applications for Job Check open on June 20, 2022.
Can it be a part-time job?
No. The job must be for at least 30 hours a week.
How much should the salary be?
The job must pay the market rate and at least a median wage of $29.66 per hour. Exemptions to the median wage threshold include specific jobs in tourism and hospitality that pay at least $28.18 per hour and specific jobs in sector agreements.
What evidence should be provided?
Evidence should include but not limited to job description, employment agreement and evidence of the labour market test (advertising process)
Is there a Job Quota for Employers?
Employers with the Standard Accreditation can have a maximum of five jobs associated with them at one time. There’s no maximum number of jobs associated with the employer who applied under the High Volume.
What needs to be in the job advert?
If the job is paid lower wage than 200% of the median wage, then the advertisement must clearly include all the terms and conditions of the job, mentioning the minimum and maximum pay rate, minimum guaranteed working hours and requirements for the job.
Does every job need to be advertised for?
Yes, unless the job pays 200% of the median wage or is on the Green List.
Can more than one position be included in the same Job Check?
Yes, but requirements of the positions must be the same.
How long does it take to get a Job Check approved?
Processing times can vary based on factors such as the job's skill level, sector, and the completeness of the application. Please check Immigration New Zealand website for more details.
How long is a Job Check valid for?
Six months or until the employer no longer has a valid accreditation, whichever is earlier.
If your accreditation is suspended for any reason, any current job checks you hold cannot be used to support an AEWV application.
What happens after the Job Check is approved?
Once it is approved, the migrant can be invited to apply for the Accredited Employer Work Visa.
What happens if the Job Check does not get approved?
A request to reconsider a declined job check can be lodged within 14 days of the decision.
How much is the fee?
Each Job Check costs $735, with an additional $250 for reconsideration of a declined application.
Can open work visa holders be employed for jobs that pay less than the median wage?
Yes. Employers can hire workers on other visa types, such as working holiday or student visas or partnership-based work visas, where the median wage threshold rule does not apply.
What are the exceptions for jobs paid below the median wage?
According to the government's recent announcement, the exemptions to the median wage threshold include specific jobs in tourism and hospitality that pay at least $28.18 per hour. Exemptions also apply to Sector Agreement jobs in care workforce, transport, construction and infrastructure, meat processing, seafood, seasonal snow, and adventure tourism sector.
To ensure you understand how these changes will affect your business and its migrant recruitment, have a chat with us by filling this form!